
Today in Denmark For Members

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Thursday

Michael Barrett
Michael Barrett - [email protected]
Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Thursday
Illustration photo. Windy conditions are forecast in Denmark with water levels subsequently raised around coasts. Photo: Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix

Large number takes part in Palestinian demo in Aarhus, high water levels threaten home damage and government says aid money will reach intended target. Here’s the news from Denmark on Thursday morning.


Up to 1,000 take part in Palestinian demonstration in Aarhus 

Around 1,000 people gathered in Aarhus suburb Gellerup last night in a pro-Palestinian demonstration.

A video of the demonstration published by local media Aarhus Stiftsidende shows Palestinian flags being wave during the demo.

“It went for the most party in a calm and orderly manner. The vast majority were calm and orderly people who followed police directions and just wanted to express their message,” East Jutland police officer Martin Christensen told news wire Ritzau early this morning.

Demonstrations supporting the Palestinian people have also taken place in Odense and Copenhagen following the reports on Tuesday that hundreds had been killed by explosions at a hospital in Gaza City. The cause of the explosions remains disputed.

High water levels could cause problems for homeowners 

With windy conditions expected to cause raised water levels in some coastal parts of Denmark this weekend, homeowners have been advised that their insurance policies may not protect them against potential damage.

“Normally, high water levels are not covered by regular home insurance, home contents insurance or summer house insurance. So it’s a very good idea to prepare if there are high water alerts,” Anne Garde Slothuus of insurance guidance organisation Forsikringsoplysningen told news wire Ritzau.

“Make sure all drains, gutters and so on have been cleared so there’s free passage,” she advised.

Vocabulary: afløb – drain


Government confident in proper use of Palestine humanitarian aid 

After announcing earlier this week a 50 million kroner donation for humanitarian aid to civilians affected by the war between Israel and Hamas, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen said he is confident the aid will reach its intended target.

The Danish aid will be sent to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza.

“We have faith in these organisations being able to act in a crossway like this and have only one intention, to help the innocent people who are in such a terrible situation,” Jørgensen said.

The humanitarian aid is solely aimed at meeting the basic needs of the civilian population and is therefore excluded from the decision by the government earlier this month to freeze all development aid to Palestine.

Denmark’s regular development aid to Palestine was stopped on October 10th following the attack on Israel by Hamas.

Development aid has been placed on pause while the government reviews the aid to satisfy itself that no Danish money indirectly funds terror organisations involved in the attack on Israel, the government said when announcing that decision.

Vocabulary: nødhjælp – humanitarian/emergency aid


Denmark to record online harassment of public servants in major project

A major new research project in Denmark will aim to illuminate the extent of online harassment of people in public facing jobs and public servant roles, ranging from apartment managers to municipal administrators.

Private and public workplaces, including small and large business are all among the over 100 organisations to take part in the study.

The overall aim of the three-year project will be to deliver guidelines for preventing and responding to online harassment.

“This is largely unstudied in a Danish context. Neither how the risk of digital harassment can be reduced nor how best to respond to it,” Lars Peter Sønderbo Andersen, senior researcher at the regional Gødstrup Hospital in Herning, told broadcaster DR.

Vocabulary: chikane -- harassment



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