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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, the grandson of Lego founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen, poses with an exhibit at the LEGO House in Billund. Photo: Søren Bidstrup/Ritzau Scanpix

Danish foreign minister welcomes Gaza deal, wealth of richest Danes soars, and other news from Denmark on Wednesday.


Danish Foreign Minister welcomes Hamas hostage deal 

Denmark's foreign minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, has welcomed the hostage deal between Hamas and Israel, but said that he hopes that the temporary pause can lead to a full cessation in hostilities. 

"First of all, it is an enormous relief for the families who, since October 7th, have lived through a nightmare that you cannot even imagine, after their loved ones were brutally taken hostage," Rasmussen wrote on his Facebook page

Even though it was a positive step, Rasmussen said he hoped for an end to the war as quickly as possible. 

"We are far from the goal. There are still many hostages in Gaza who also need to be released, and there is a huge need for humanitarian aid for the civilians in Gaza. But tonight's agreement ignites hope," he wrote.

Danish vocabulary: et mareridt - a nightmare

Wealth of hundred richest Danes soars by 141 billion kroner

The hundred richest Danish families got 141 billion kroner richer last year, according to the 2023 rich list by the Danish magazine Økonomisk Ugebrev, with their wealth bouncing back from the Covid-19 pandemic when their combined riches dropped by 89 billion kroner.  

The drop between 2021 and 2022 followed a ten year stretch where Denmark's wealthiest families saw their net worth rise every year. 

According to the magazine, the Kirk Kristiansen family which owns Lego is currently the richest, with 318.2 billion to its name, with the Holch Povlsen family, which is behind the Bestseller retail empire, in second place with with a combined 83.3 billion kroner.

Danish vocabulary: en formue - a fortune 


Police warn of Black Friday text message fraud

Police in Denmark have warned that fraudsters are sending out fake text messages ahead of the Black Friday sales this week, seeking to con people into handing over personal information. 

"We have seen a sharp increase in the number of cases with fraudulent text messages, and therefore encourage everyone to be especially vigilant about text messages with links to fake websites where you have to provide MitID information or card information," Kresten Munksgaard, head of the National Centre for IT Crime, said in a press release. 

In the past year, the police have received around 7,700 reports of SMS fraud, something the police put down to new technology making it easier to send out text messages.

Danish vocabulary: svindel-sms'er - fraudulent text messages


26-year-old dies after stabbing near Herning

A 26-year-old man has died after he was stabbed at a care home for young homeless people in Lund, near Herning. A 23-year-old man has been arrested and charged with murder.

Police received reports of the stabbing at PotentialeHotellet at 2am on Tuesday, and shut off the motorway near the town for several hours while they searched for the murder weapon. 

Danish vocabulary: et knivstikkeri - a stabbing 




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