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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

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Ritzau/AFP/The Local - [email protected]
Today in Denmark: A roundup of the latest news on Monday
Bikers from the Bandidos ,Hells Angels and several other clubs gathered in from of Copenhagen City Hall to protest forced closures. Photo: Emil Nicolai Helms/Ritzau Scanpix

Hells Angels and Bandidos hold joint protest, Denmark two places from Eurovision final, minister seeks to use law to block political deep fake videos, and other news from Denmark on Monday.


Hells Angels and Bandidos ride together in joint protest

Bikers from the controversial Hells Angels and Bandidos clubs demonstrated together outside Copenhagen's City Hall on Sunday to protest forced closures of club houses and even of  the clubs themselves. 

The demonstration marked a rare coming together for the two clubs, which are usually seen as rivals, historically deadly ones.  

"Everything is calm, and there are also lots of ordinary people walking around and looking at motorbikes," Michael Andersen from the Copenhagen Police told TV2

According to the police, there were around 130 bikes present, who had applied to demonstrate between 11am and 2pm. 

The protest was organised by the Bikerfonden, or Bike Foundation, which groups together 17 Danish biker clubs, including the Bandidos and Hells Angels. 

The Danish government is currently trying to use the courts to disband the Bandidos, and has closed several Hells Angels club houses. 

Danish vocabulary: at opløse - to disband

Denmark was two places away from Eurovision final

Denmark was two places away from qualifying for the Eurovision final when it was voted out on Thursday, falling behind both Norway, which managed to qualify and the Czech Republic, which was also voted out, according to details of the vote posted on the Eurovision homepage on Sunday

Denmark's entry "Sand" by Saba came 12th out of the 15 songs in the semi-final, from which only the top ten went forward to the finals. Denmark rceived 36 points, compared to 38 for the Czech Republic and 43 for Norway.

Switzerland's Nemo, who went on to win Eurovision on Saturday night, received 132 points, coming 4th in the semi-final, behind Armenia, The Netherlands and Israel. 

Denmark's entry received the most votes from the viewing public in Norway, who gave Denmark 10 points.  

Danish vocabulary: hjemmeside - homepage


22-year-old woman stabbed at Copenhagen launderette 

A 22-year-old woman was stabbed at 2.45pm on Sunday afternoon at a launderette in the Valby district of Copenhagen. A 48-year-old woman was later arrested for aggravated assault and violating Denmark's knife act. The 48-year-old's knife was also confiscated.  

"This concerns a 22-year-old woman who has been stabbed several times. Her life is not at risk, but she is seriously injured," Henrik Stormer, from the Copenhagen Police, told TV2 Monopole. 

He told Ritzau that the police do not yet know the sequence of events that led up to the stabbing. 

Danish vocabulary: et møntvaskeri - a launderette 


Minister wants to use copyright law to ban political deep fake videos

Culture Minister Jakob Engel-Schmidt (M) wants to use copyright law to ban the deep fake videos of cultural figures spreading on the internet, after the Danish People's Party and Liberal Alliance used the technology to make videos of top politicians. 

Use of the videos "undermines the democratic conversation and the durability of our democracy", Engel-Schmidt told the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, although he stressed that the content of the two political videos from the Danish People's Party and Liberal Alliance was not in itself very problematic. 

"But there is a clear limit when you are exposed to advanced identity theft. This is the top level of a slippery slope that can end up undermining trust in each other and making every political message, newspaper article and artistic publication a potential battleground for whether it is true or false. I don't want that."

In the deep fake video from the Danish People's Party, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) is seen stating that Christmas must be abolished, and in the Liberal Alliance's video, Mette Frederiksen, Moderate Leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Liberal Party leader Troels Lund Poulsen are seen in manipulated form. 

Danish vocabulary: kunstig intelligens - artificial intelligence 



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