
Germany to check passports on Danish border during Euros

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Germany to check passports on Danish border during Euros
Germany will exact controls on its border with Denmark during Euro 2024. Photo: Patrik STOLLARZ / AFP

Persons travelling from Denmark to Germany during the 2024 European Championships, which begin on Friday, should bring their passport.


Passports will be required for travel from Denmark to Germany for the duration of the European football championships, which take place in Germany between June 14th and July 14th. The border controls will be in effect until July 19th.

German authorities have put temporary border controls in place while the tournament is ongoing, the regional police in Southern Denmark have confirmed.

Diversions will be in place at some of the road crossings, notably Frøslev, where signage has been set up to redirect drivers.

READ ALSO: How to watch the Euro 2024 tournament on TV in Denmark

Germany’s Interior Ministry earlier stated that the country’s police had been given the option of using controls on all borders from June 7th. In that statement, the ministry said all travellers should bring passports when entering Germany.


The tournament will see some 500 police officers from other countries assist the German police by patrolling in host cities, and by helping the German Federal Police.

Euro 2024 begins on Friday evening when the hosts face Scotland in Munich. Denmark’s first match is against Slovenia on Sunday.

Denmark carries out spot checks on its side of the border with Germany, as part of temporary security measures that have been used in varying forms since 2016.



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