
Denmark to stop training Ukrainian F-16 pilots

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Ritzau/The Local - [email protected]
Denmark to stop training Ukrainian F-16 pilots
A file photo of a Danish F-16 aircraft at Skrydstrup. Photo: Bo Amstrup/Ritzau Scanpix

Denmark’s air force will stop training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighter jets after 2024, Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said on Monday.


Poulsen confirmed the Danish decision at a joint press conference with Norwegian counterpart Bjørn Arild Gram, citing "respect for" the fact that the Danish air force is in the process of switching from using F-16s to F-35 fighter jets, and will be using its Skrydstrup air base, where the Ukrainian pilots are currently trained, for this purpose.

Denmark will still contribute to the training of Ukrainian pilots outside of Denmark, Poulsen also said.

READ ALSO: Denmark boosts Ukraine military aid by 4.4 billion kroner

Ukrainian pilots are currently trained in Romania as well as in Denmark, but no decision has been made as to whether Denmark could contribute in Romania, he said.

Alongside the Netherlands, Denmark has led an international training coalition for Ukrainian F-16 fighter pilots.


Denmark has also committed to donating 19 F-16s to Ukraine, with the first four aircraft due to arrive in Ukraine "this summer", according to earlier reports.

Norway has also pledged a number of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Two Norwegian F-16s are involved in the training at Skrydstrup.



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